Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Brief Announcement

I have added a space where other webloggers can advertise their website. This month I have chosen one of those that has had a major influence over me the past few months. She is one of the nicest persons I have met since joining the community of bloggers. She like me, this site's adminstrator, is going to college, embarking on a similar quest of exploration of discovery in the business world.

In her blog, she entails her narrative of her life's personal journey. She discourses on her hopes, dreams, family, and friends. We get to see a snapshot of her life with the trials and tribulations and her journey with Chronic PID. She has created a support group on Yahoo, while taking care of her father who had a heartattack few months back, and her three children. She will make you think, cry, and laugh. So, please "click on" the rent-my-blog and visit her website today!

1 comment:

Angel said...

Thanks for the so pleasing and nice intro and having me on the blog. I think I need to update my thumbnail though, don't you?