Saturday, May 06, 2006

Your a special American?

Dear Bloggers: Every other blog lately has an opinion about Illegal Aliens, specifically with Mexicans. Did I miss something? Hey you reading this blog!. If your an "American", guess what? YOUR A WETBACK TOO! Oh wait, before you claim that you entered legally with a "visa" I say to you, then your a deserter.

You deserted your country in tatters and came to the USA. What scumbags we all are. Many people from the world come to the USA, but don't stay. They go back their countries. Why didn't your relatives go back? What made them feel so special, that they felt they could break the "law" and stay in America.

Something else. Did Mexicans bring down the Trade Towers? Did the Mexicans kill 2,899 of our Sons and Daughters in Iraq? Is Osama bin Laden Mexican? Is Mexico threatening USA and Israel daily with Nuclear weapons like Iran? Wake the fuck up please. Those Mexicans even share our God. THE ENEMY IS ISLAM, are you too scared to face it? Does the Muslim next door frighten you into silence? Take it from me. They die just as easily as anybody else.

In regard to Mexicans waving their flags during protests and refusing to "assimilate". During the American Civil War. The Irish the "Mexicans" of that time. Felt they had assimilated enough into America. That when congress passed a law. Letting the wealthy hire the poor to take their place in the Civil War. The Irish rioted in New York under the banner, that "they didn't come from Ireland to die for Niggers" The Irish hanged 1000's of Innocent Black men,women and children in New York. To this day Harlem has never regained their pre civil war population.
Mexicans just want to work. Muslims want to kill you.


mwgrl5 said...

Your "Mission Statement" talks about exploring different cultures and different people yet you just ripped apart a whole religion. And, people are insulting a whole race when talking about Mexicans. You're both wrong. There are individuals who are illegal immigrants and there are individuals that are terrorists NOT whole cultures, religions, races! Quit generalizing and ostrasizing people for their heritage. If you have your own opinion, they probably do too! Give them a chance to express it before you develop an opinion.

Wally Banners said...

sorry Kid but muslims no longer get the honor of my doubt. thier actions have spoken enuff. Its time ti thin that waste of a race. DESTROY IRAN and the sand people will chill out.

Anonymous said...

I don't care who comes in this country as long as they do it legally (excluding terrorists). My problem with illegal immigrants is they arrive here through illegal manners. Then want all the benifits the United States has to offer. If they want those benifits so bad, why not enter this country legally? Do it right, otherwise you are just a criminal, and deserve being punished.

Wally, great looking site, if you would like to exchange links, let me know.