Friday, May 26, 2006

Nixon spinning in Grave!

Dear Blogger: You guys remember Watergate? If I recall it was about Richard Nixon ordering a covert operation at the DNC. Purpose, to find out what the democrats were planning for the upcoming Presidential election. Poor Dick Nixon. All he had to do was ask Dept of Justice to raid congressional offices of Democrats. He would have saved his legacy. If you ask me; we as a nation have lost forever precious rights. All cause of Bush's love for Muslims.

We insulted out priceless allies in South America. We have broad washed a whole race of Americans as illegal aliens. We now raid congressional offices of the opposing party. Instead of NSA monitoring the Muslims in the Middle East, the NSA monitors U.S. citizens instead. Now soldiers, our sons and daughters are being framed for killing terrorists. The US Army charge is that they were innocent civilians. Have you ever met a Muslim that wasn't a terrorist?

Iran builds nuclear missiles and threatens USA daily, yet we are too busy admitting mistakes in Iraq and persecuting innocent illegals. Republicans goodbye. You will lose the house in November and the White house on next election.

When my Brother came home from Viet Nam. He had a few bullet wounds in his back. He also received a silver star. Mom hung him from the porch the next day. While he was swinging from rafters, Mom screamed at his body. "I didn't raise cowards." As I buried my brother, mom was whipping me in the hole all the while screaming " Swear to me you'll never run from a fight". I did. I will always harm and destroy Muslims no matter where they are. My heart is black and I bring death to every Muslim that crosses my path.

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